OLOT MEATS possesses the supervision of an equipment of Official Veterinarians that depending on the Generality of Catalonia Agency of the Health It publishes and 9 Auxiliary veterinarians who realize the ante-mortem and post-mortem Inspections.
The Official Veterinarians give the final opinion of the meats and there realize audits and controls of the whole process (animal Well-being, Good practices, Cleanliness ….) quite based on the system of Qualit management, pre – requirements and Self-controls that they have implanted in the company.
Olot Meats assures that there are identified the needs and expectations of the clients, who turn into requirements and who are fulfilled in its entirety to obtain the satisfaction of the client including the legal and regulation dispositions.
The sanitary level in production is priority and therefore the company works for the distribution of a sure and legal product supported by such recognized Certifications as: